It is well-paced, edited, with a great audio track and bonus features and presented in 16:9. Whether you are a music or Michael Jackson fan, this is a must have release. With Michael’s sad and unfortunate demise, the rehearsal recordings for This Is It came to theatres, and then, to DVD and blu-ray. MICHAEL JACKSON’S THIS IS IT (DVD, blu-ray, 2010) This disc is worth only for Michael’s performance, nothing else. The video quality is bad, the audio is OK, and after two years, my disc began having problems being read, so I could not enjoy it anymore. This unauthorized release featured a concert from the Bad Tour. The release offers a fine concert from the Dangerous Tour with good sound and no special features presented in 4:3. It was also released by itself a year later. This concert was first released in The Ultimate Collection boxset (which is a MUST have for any fan), which is how I came to see it. LIVE IN BUCHAREST: THE DANGEROUS TOUR (DVD, 2004) No special features, only one audio track, no subtitles, and a 4:3 aspect ratio give this release a 4.0/5.0. This, however, does not detract from the importance of this release simply because it spans Michael Jackson’s career from Off The Wall to Invincible.
This release is a collection of most of Michael Jackson’s short films although not in their full versions. This release accompanies the album of the same name. This disc also includes two audio tracks (2.0 and 5.1 mixes), subtitles (lyrics), and no making-of documentaries or behind-the-scenes clips in a 4:3 aspect ratio. Side two, has the ‘meat’ of this release, with almost all of the HIStory album short films included. MICHAEL JACKSON HISTORY ON FILM VOLUME II (DVD, 1997)Ī sort of sequel to the previous release (although, with a different title), this double-sided disc (yeah, a negative aspect of it) offers us, along with a few other short films the live Motown 25 performance, as well as the 1995 MTV VMAs performance. It contains no bonus or special features, however, it includes the full versions of videos such as The Way You Make Me Feel and Black or White in a 4:3 aspect ratio.
This release gives us ten music videos (ranging from Off the Wall, Thriller, Bad, and Dangerous) plus the Brace Yourself intro.

MICHAEL JACKSON VIDEO GREATEST HITS: HISTORY (DVD, 2001) This release offers us the most complete short films release of one single album, including extras such as making-of featurettes and behind-the-scenes (for four of the videos), additional videos including half of the Super Bowl half-time show, part of the Pepsi commercial (in which they sing I’ll Be There), and the option of two audio tracks (2.0 and 5.1 mixes) and subtitles (lyrics) in a 4:3 aspect ratio. With that out of the way, let’s take a brief look at what we are offered in terms of Michael Jackson releases in DVD: Just because I am criticizing the lack of Michael Jackson’s video releases does not mean that I am hating on The Beatles and Elvis’, because, after all, I am a big fan of all of them and I do own several of The Beatles and more of Elvis, especially his concerts (but not his movies). If out of the three biggest music acts of the past century (Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and Michael Jackson), it is Jackson’s visual expression that is the most important among the three while The Beatles and Elvis had many films, it is Michael Jackson that cemented the importance and need of proper music videos to accompany an artist’s music. While we keep getting The Beatles and Elvis’ new releases, Michael Jackson has been forgotten. In this day and age, it is unfathomable that Michael Jackson’s videos have not seen the light of a proper HD mastering and blu-ray (or digital) release. Based on a post from a few days ago, I decided to write this.