Mac os x mountain lion iso usb bootable
Mac os x mountain lion iso usb bootable

MAC OS X MOUNTAIN LION ISO USB BOOTABLE MAC OS” installs rEFInd on Mac OS X’s root partition as “ /EFI/refind“. Better “ $TARGETDIR“ be “ /efi/boot” or “ /efi/refind“.Īlternatively, you can install rEFInd using the supplied shell command ““, which installs refind_圆4.efi. Option “ -setBoot” enables rEFInd permanently. Where “ $TARGETDIR” stands for the directory in which you installed rEFInd. $ sudo bless -setBoot -folder "$TARGETDIR" -file "$TARGETDIR/boot圆4.efi" $ sudo bless -mount /Volumes/EFI -setBoot -file /Volumes/EFI/EFI/boot/boot圆4.efi On Mac machines, if you want to enable rEFInd permanently, issue: Also, when you press “ Alt (Option)” key immediately after the startup CHIME, Mac machine’s Startup Manager brings rEFInd as an option of booting the machine. This, in general, does not require issuing “ bless” command, especially for USB Stick/Hard Drive. In this manual installation method we install “ boot圆4.efi” (fallback filename) file of rEFInd instead of “ refind_圆4.efi” file. Now, your “ EFI” volume has an “ EFI” folder, which contains “ boot” and “ tools” subfolders. You may also want to add extra tools like EFI shell, GPT Sync, etc.

mac os x mountain lion iso usb bootable

If yours is a 64 bit EFI, you may delete the “ bootia32.efi” file and the “ drivers_ia32” folder, which are present in “ boot” folder.

mac os x mountain lion iso usb bootable

The “ EFI” folder is not case-sensitive since it is on “ msdos” partition. You just copy the “ boot” subfolder onto the already existing “ EFI” folder. Don’t mess with the “ APPLE” folder, which contains the firmware. In Mac machines, once mounted, you will already have “ EFI” folder with “ APPLE -> EXTENSIONS” subfolder. Once mounted, copy the “ EFI” folder, which contains “ boot” subfolder, and paste it to the mounted “ EFI” volume. But the CD-R image file contains the said binary zip file, docs as well as other goodies. Now, go to rEFInd website and download the CD-R image file.

mac os x mountain lion iso usb bootable

$ sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk1s1 /Volumes/EFI

Mac os x mountain lion iso usb bootable